Queer Families and Friends

of Livingston County 4-H

“4-H provides fun, educational opportunities that empower young people with skills to lead for a lifetime and become the foundation for future success” -MSU

4H is America's largest youth organization. It's purpose is to help youth reach their fullest potential while providing opportunities for education, citizenship, leadership, and community service.

What is Queer Families and Friends of Livingston 4-H Club?

QF2L4H is an offshoot of Queer Families of Livingston. 4H is America's largest youth organization. It's purpose is to help youth reach their fullest potential while providing opportunities for education, citizenship, leadership, and community service.

When will meeting be held?

Our 4-H business meeting will be held on the 2nd Sunday of every month. Teens who wish to participate are encouraged to join! Our location will rotate to different area libraries.

Who can join?

Any youth ages 5-19. Adults are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings with their children.

What will happen at the 4-H meeting?

Meetings will be very much like they've already been, with the added business portion at the beginning. A typical 4H meeting allows 15-20 minutes for business, 30 minutes for education and project introduction, and 30-60 minutes working on a project and socializing. Projects are chosen by youth and leaders together!

Will we be participating in the fair?

We are super excited to be exhibiting at the Fowlerville Family Fair this year! Youth who are interested in participating in the fair are welcome to enter any project that they've made since 9/23 as an exhibit for our booth! We will also be working on club projects in May and June. Youth who participate in the fair are eligible to receive premiums for their projects. The Fowlerville Family Fair will be held July 22-27, 2024.

Is there a cost?

No. It is free to sign up and the monthly events hosted by QF2L4H are free. 4H does provide additional statewide events and programs that do come at different costs.

How does my child join?

To join our super amazing new club, please attend our next meeting! In the meantime, you can register for 4-H online at www.4honline.com and follow these instructions:

Create account by clicking "Don't Have an Account"

Select State "Michigan"

Select "Michigan 4-H Youth Development"

Select County "Livingston" and follow prompts

Select "Michigan 4-H" for program you would like to join and follow prompts

When Selecting Club options choose "Queer Family and Friends Livingston 4-H club"

When selecting projects, feel free to choose any

Follow Prompts till form is completed

Welcome to Queer Family and Friends Livingston 4-H club (QF2L4H)!!

Our 4-H adult leaders will reach out to you shortly after you registration.

Questions? Email the head 4-H leader directly: rainbowgnosis@gmail.com