Ask Us Anything

We understand it is often difficult to find a person who is able to listen without judgement to questions or concerns you may be having pertaining to the queer community. We have a dedicated team for this program who would love to have an open, non-judgemental and productive conversation with anyone who is seeking information or understanding.

How can I support my queer child?

My child just told me they are transgender… what does that mean?

I don’t support the queer community but I love my queer child… where do I go from here?

Is my child more at risk for harm being in the queer community?

I think my child is queer. How do I ask them?

What does being part of the “queer” community mean?

It can be intimidating to ask someone you love or know these types of questions. We are here to help ease your discomfort when trying to navigate these tough thoughts and questions.

*This is not licensed mental health counseling or therapy